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Are You a Writer? Do You Like Changeling?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 2:40 pm
by Shan
Onyx Path Publishing has announced they are looking for 10 (probably 9) short stories approximately 5000 words in length to be published for the Changeling 20th Anthology. We are all writers and most of us do so quite regularly. So if you happen to know Changeling well, what a great way to have your characters, ideas, and writing immortalized in a game book that you love.

Sadly I still haven't dipped my toe into Changeling waters. I imagine this collection they're looking for will be like the other short stories in the books that really help give you a feel for what the book has just been describing. So if you're interested be sure to check out the official post. Submissions will be a 300 word only (he promises to stop reading at word 300 regardless how interesting it may be) and you have until August 1st to write something intriguing enough they hire you to finish it.

To anyone who gives this a go, I wish you the best of luck. :D

[CHANGELING 20TH]ANTHOLOGY ALL-CALL - Onyx Path Publishing Website