Mordred's Virus

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Mordred's Virus

Post by Kedglo »

With regards to the computer virus that will be used against the local FBI investigation team

Rolls have been completed that will allow Mordred, with the assistance of Konrad, Jasmine, and Jason, to construct a unique virus purpose built for tampering with the evidence. It is, according to the new virus creations stats, possesive of 5/5/5/5/5 abilities. It's the best bet there is for the job required, and will take approximately 10 (ingame) hours to construct, with Mordred doing the majority of the work. The virus will feature;

The ability to, when introduced to a system, hide itself, avoid detection, and replicate to any new media it can find. It will infect jump drives, wirelessly connected devices, wired devices, all hard drives, and will be almost invisible.
A pre-programmed set of instructions to modify existing files present on systems, and tamper with them to replace keywords, references, and other supernatural related items, replacing them with more mundane phrases, words, and so on.
A set of instructions to doctor images, more specific than the text editor. It will only be able to eliminate symbols present in evidence photos.
More instructions to tamper with dna evidence, rendering it either unusable, or falsified.
Video evidence will either be corrupted or deleted.
The capability and instruction to delete itself 6 months after originally infecting a device.

The completion of this virus will require Mordred, Jasmine, Konrad and Jason to gather IC, for a time, so that they can all work together on the creation of this god-tier, stuxnet level program. We should meet IC, and make this thing work. Not spend an actual ten hours, but some time.

Also, none of the work Mordred has asked for is a 'waste of time', it will all be used to help the creation of the final product.

Also also, it needs a name

PS: Mordred will pass a message along, email or text or both, requesting their presence and equipment to crush this thing and hammer it out.

Questions/Comments/Grievances post 'em below.
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