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Month of December 2016

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 8:39 pm
by Eddum StPaul
The month of December will be used to tie up The last of the major story arch things and preparing for next years troubles. So there will be NO MAJOR PLOT WORK THIS MONTH. Please use this time to rp out the aftermath of the battle, the beginnings of the Ahadi, and all the good things that come with character development and choices. We will be having some IC roleplay involved with the Ahadi, and the new Caern building that will be going up so be prepared for that. Things to look for in December:

1) We will be putting up Custom Character guidelines and rules.
2) Fae stuff -will- go up, I am tossing a good chunk of the changeling book off to the side so please make sure to look them over.
3) The Setting will be changing! You all have taken part in a great battle that has effected the setting of the channel in a big way. Many things are going to come from this in 2017 so strap in and get ready!
4) We will be adding in guideline rules for Numia abilities, how they effect your character.
5) There will be moot at the end of December. FOR ALL SUPERNATURALS. This is the shifters equivalent of a thanksgiving celebration that will mark the raising of the Caern building, all the sacrifices that have been made, and the good things to come. A date will be put up and I hope everyone can make it.
6) Shifters will start doing their Renown IC! A special day will be set aside where you may boost your heart out, Call someone's bluff over whether or not they actually did something.. or just enjoy the show.

Thanks everyone for all the hard work and all the effort that you go through to be a part of this channel. I know sometimes it's a little rough but you are making amazing history! Keep it up!